Victor E.
Semenenko is known in
and in other countries as a contributor to the studies of self-regulation of
physiological functions in photosynthetic cells. He was also the founder of
algal biotechnology in
His first
student scientific paper "On the effect of light starvation on the
chloroplasts in leaves of green plants," in which a young researcher
observed the disintegration and division of chloroplasts of the algaSelagenella, was published in 19521. After graduation from the
University of
Ukraine), V.E. Semenenko
started his research at the
Plant Physiology (
Moscow) under supervision of Professor
Nichiporovich. Since that time his research activities were tightly linked with
the name of this institution. Research and communication with A. Nichiporovich
had a strong influence on the development of basic biological views, and the
personality of Victor Semenenko. His PhD thesis was devoted to the study of
photosynthetic gas exchange processes. In that work he first discovered the
phenomenon light-dependent emission of CO2. The biochemical studies of this
phenomenon in other laboratories had later led to the discovery of
finishing his PhD thesis in 1958, Victor Semenenko became a leader of a group
associated with the Laboratory of photosynthesis. The group was focused on the
problem of application of the unicellular phototrophic microorganisms in closed
biological for life support systems. The organization of this group, was
prompted by the successful beginning of space exploration in those years and
the emergence of a new branch of knowledge - Space Biology.
success in space exploration in the late 50s and 60s of the XX century gave
rise to the optimism, and enthusiasm in scientific community. Even before
Gagarin's flight into space, the prospects for long-term space travel,
construction of the habitable extraterrestrial stations and orbital complexes
had been discussed. Intensively grown algae have been considered as one of the
main elements of such stations responsible for the biological life support in
space. At that time Victor Semenenko became the head of the Laboratory for
algological studies.
First of
all, the viability and the level of mutations in Chlorella cells during space
flight were studied in 1958. The experiments were conducted on unpiloted
satellites. The results did not demonstrate any significant changes in
physiological states in populations of algae in the flight experiments3.
important step was to examine the compatibility of green unicellular algae and
humans in their permanent contact. This problem was solved in the early 60s in
the joint experiments with the
Biophysics, Medical
Academy of Sciences. A prolonged stay of astronauts in an isolated hermetic cabin,
which was connected to the system of gas exchange ran by a photobioreactor with
unicellular algae, did not affect the status of the crew and as well as the
viability of microalgae4-6.
At the same
time, the selection of the most promising forms of life support systems for
unicellular algae was conducted that implied optimization of their growth in
newly developed closed photobioreactors of various types. As a result, during a
1.5-month continuous experiment, the productivity of Chlorella reached 25-
30 liters of oxygen from
1 liter of cell suspension
per day. These experiments lead to construction of flat-panel photobioreactors,
the reactors with air lifts, turbosorbers, the spray systems for suspension, to
the design of distribution of light energy in a suspension with fiber optics7.
principal condition that determined the possibility of the use of biological
life support systems based on algae was high reliability and stability of a
system at the level of algae themselves. In 1967, Victor Semenenko together
with Lev Tsoglin proposed the autoselection theory for populations of
microalgae, which was experimentally verified in 1969-72. This theory
eliminated the possibility of deterioration in gas exchange characteristics of
the unit. It demonstrated the exclusive ability to improve photosynthetic
characteristics and production rates of algae in the course of their long-term
continuous cultivation8,9.
Along with
the regeneration of the atmosphere, the problem of biological life support
system includes the nutrition for the crew - fitness of the biochemical
composition of microalgae to the diet ration of human. The regulation of
biochemical pathways of the photosynthetic metabolism in microalgae became the
major focus of research of Victor Semenenko. Studies in this field had finally
resulted in the hypothesis of endogenous regulation of photosynthesis10. These
studies led to the selection of algal strains - producers of various compounds
and to the development of methods of controlled biosynthesis, which allowed the
maintenance of biochemical composition of microalgae under various extreme
conditions10-12. The two-phase method for cultivation of algae developed in the
70's, made it possible to perform continuous growth of biomass with a
determined biochemical composition without reduction in the photosynthetic
The studies
of Victor Semenenko in space biology have laid important foundations of modern
biotechnology of microalgae and initiated its development in
The wide
spectrum of scientific interests of Victor Semenenko allowed him to go beyond
the practical space biology. In 1971, his group was transformed into a
Laboratory of molecular bases of intracellular regulation, and then into the
Department of Intracellular regulation and biotechnology of photoautotrophic
All these
years, microalgae served to Victor Semenenko as an excellent model for
investigation of the principles of self-regulation by virtue of extremely high
plasticity of their metabolism16,17. Together with his wife and colleague, Maya
G. Vladimirova, he founded The Collection of Microalgae (IPPAS), which became a
member of the International Association of Collections. Currently, this is the
most representative collection of microalgae in
The main
interests of Viktor Semenenko, as he formulated them, have been focused on
self-regulation of physiological processes and metabolism of photoautotrophic
Elucidation of the physiological responses of the genetic systems of plant
- Investigation
of molecular and cellular mechanisms of organization of endogenous regulation
of photosynthesis10,18-22.
Investigation of metabolism and cell cycle of unicellular photoautotrophic
Along this
way, the most significant discoveries had been made that leaved the unique and
bright mark in science. Among Russian scientists of the 20th century, who made
a significant contribution to the study of the primary processes of
photosynthesis (V.B. Evstigneev, A.A. Krasnovskii), the structure and
biosynthesis of chlorophyll (T. Godnev, A. Shlyk), photosynthetic carbon
metabolism (A.T. Mokronosov, N.G. Doman, E.N. Kondratyev, A.K. Romanova), the
genome of the photosynthetic apparatus (N.M. Sissakian) and photosynthetic
productivity (A.A. Nichiporovich), Victor Semenenko holds a special position.
In the
early 70's Victor Semenenko turned to the old problem of plant Physiol. on the
influence of assimilates (or overfeeding of plants) on photosynthesis in order
to uncover the molecular level of these events. To investigate the metabolic
regulation of photosynthesis three main questions have been asked: 1) what is
the possible nature of the regulatory metabolite or effector; 2) what is the
molecular mechanism of its action in the chloroplast; and 3) what is the
mechanism of coupling of photo- and metabolic regulation?
among the metabolites, products of photosynthesis, the modified glucose
molecules have been used possess biological function, but are limited in
utilization. One of such molecules was 2-deoxy-D-glucose (2dDG), which was
applied in the studies of the repression of photosynthesis and protein
synthesis in the chloroplast. Further detection of light-dependent repressive
action of 2dDG revealed close cooperation of metabolic regulation and light
regulation in chloroplasts10,19,20,22,27-29,29-37.
In 1982,
the inhibitory analysis and chronology of events in chloroplasts revealed that
the regulatory effect of glucose is carried out at the level of transcription
in chloroplasts22. Later, these findings were confirmed by investigation the transcription
of genes for the proteins of the reaction center of photosystem II. Mutagenesis
of Chlorella vulgaris led to the production of the regulatory mutants, which
were characterized by overproduction of the end-products of
photosynthesis32,38,39. Similar studies had been conducted with cells of the
cyanobacterium Synechocystis sp. PCC 6803, from which the 2dDG-resistant
mutants have been selected40,41. These approaches (M.V. Zvereva, E.S.
Kuptsova, L.A. Shitova, N.V. Lebedeva) helped to demonstrate the participation
of glucose in the regulation of transcription of the chloroplast genome and in
regulation the photosynthesis at the genetic level36-38,41.
phenomenon of metabolic regulation of photosynthesis studied in model
experiments with non-metabolized glucose analogues was observed in
physiological experiments with hyper-accumulation of assimilates in the
chloroplast after filling the pool of storage polysaccharides. Transition of
photosynthetic cells to specialized biosynthesis is determined by a complex
chain of events that are genetically determined. This chain involves the
processes of synthesis and induced selective proteolysis of proteins. These
observations (G.L. Klyachko-Gurvich, T.S. Rudova) formed the basis for
controlled biosynthesis of algal biomass with determined amounts of
carbohydrates, lipids, or biologically active compounds 25,42-46,46-50.
In parallel
with the study of endogenous regulation of photosynthesis under excess
photosynthetic activity, Victor Semenenko developed the research in the area of
self-limitation of photosynthesis under CO2 defficiency51-62. Semenenko
maintained the hypothesis that low concentration of CO2 in our modern
atmosphere is one of global limiting factors forphotosynthesis of algae and of
C3 plants. In the early 70's, after the discovery of C4 photosynthesis, it was
accepted that the ability to concentrate CO2 in the cell is a distinctive
feature of C4 plants, whereas the C3 plants do not possess this ability. At
that time many researchers studied the pathways of carbon in C3 plants after
its interaction with RuBisCO, whereas the transport of CO2 into the cell was
considered as resistance to diffusion of CO2.
However, a
number of facts, such as a) discrepancy between the actual affinity of RuBisCo
to CO2 and the calculated its concentrations in the stroma; b) the increase in
photosynthetic affinity for CO2 during adaptation of cells to a decrease of
carbon dioxide in the environment; c) the ability of algae to grow in the
absence of CO2 in bicarbonate-containing media – all these facts contradicted
with the hypothesis of direct diffusion of CO2 to the centers of carboxylation
and showed that substrate supply for the dark reactions of photosynthesis is
under genetic control33,63,64.
Already in
his first article on this subject (1977) Victor Semenenko proposed and
experimentally confirmed the existence of the carbonic anhydrase system in
photosynthetic cells, which includes soluble and membrane-associated forms of
the enzyme62.
In 1981,
based on the detailed studies of the organization of carbonic anhydrase system
in different taxonomic groups of algae, its physiological and biochemical
properties, regulation of synthesis of different forms of carbonic anhydrase,
as well as adaptive reorganizations of their activities, Victor Semenenko and
his students and colleagues (N.A. Pronina, Z.M. Ramazanov) presented the
original model of the CO2-concentrating mechanism (CCM) in the algae59. This
has initiated the interest in this problem by many researchers.
One of the
major achievements was the discovery (Semenenko & Ramazanov) of the
regulatory role of the oxygenase function of RuBisCO in the induction of a
CO2-dependent form of carbonic anhydrase and in regulatory interactions between
photosynthesis, photorespiration and nuclear genetic apparatus of plant cells
in optimization of carbon nutrition in microalgae. It was shown that
glyoxylate, being a product of photorespiration, is the inducer of the
synthesis of carbonic anhydrase involved in the transport of Ci into the
theoretical works of Victor Semenenko may be supplemented by the hypothesis on
the importance of pyrenoid containing RuBisCO and carbonic anhydrase in the
concentration, generation, and fixation of CO2 in the chloroplast. Semenenko
& Vladimirova have been the first how showed localization of the RuBisCO in
the pyrenoid67-69. Later this line of work was developed further by N.A.
The discovery in 1988 of carbonic anhydrase in
the thylakoid membranes, the kinetic studies of photochemical reactions in
chloroplasts in the presence of carbonic anhydrase inhibitors, and in CCM
mutants, showed the direct involvement of thylakoid carbonic anhydrase in the
control of the Calvin cycle. These data served as a serious argument in favor
of the shunting of CCM, which essence is in the transfer of HCO3 into the lumen
and in its carbonic-anhydrase-mediated transformation to CO2, which diffuses
into the stroma due to the gradient of concentrations51,52,54. The presented
model of the mechanism of concentration, generation and fixation of CO2 in the
chloroplasts of algae, which takes into account the pH of individual cellular
compartments, the selective properties of membranes, intracellular localization
of the carbonic anhydrases, RuBisCO, and photosystems, had analyzed in special
reviews and articles (S. Miyachi76, J.V.
Moroney77, J.A. Raven78, G. Samuelsson79). This model was recognized mostly by
all investigators of photosynthesis. The advantage of this model is also in the
fact that it induces a range of new directions in research of photosynthesis,
in particular, the integration of functions of carbonic anhydrase in
photosynthesis with the role of its isozymes in the process of respiration,
water photolysis and O2 evolution, that ensure the symmetry of the
photosynthetic and respiratory functions of the family of carbonic anhydrases
in the plant cell. The experimental data
and the conclusions allowed Victor Semenenko and co-workers to formulate the
concept of the functional role of CCM as a complete integrated system, in which
the crucial role is played by the compartmentalization, the selective
properties of membranes, the proton gradient, location and topology of the
carbonic anhydrase and the transmembrane transport of Ci. This concept significantly extends the concept of
photosynthetic metabolism.
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